»姓名:甄玉花 | »系属:火狐电竞 | |
»学位:博士 | »职称:副教授 | |
»专业:材料科学与工程 | »导师类别:硕导 | |
»联系电话:18763005459 | ||
»通讯地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 | ||
»概况 | ||
◎研究方向 1、半导体基气体传感器的研发 2、钙钛矿材料的介电储能性能研究 3、全固态电池中无机固态电解质的研发 ◎教育经历 2004.09-2008.01,清华大学,材料科学与工程,博士 2001.09-2004.07,山东大学,材料科学与工程,硕士 1997.09-2001.07,山东大学,材料科学与工程,学士 ◎工作经历 2011.12-至今,火狐电竞,副教授 2008.11-2010.04,日本NIMS研究所,博士后 2008.04-2011.11,火狐电竞,讲师 ◎学术兼职 担任“Sensors and Actuators: B”、“J Am Ceram Soc”、“J Eu Ceram Soc”等高水平期刊审稿人 ◎主讲课程 本科生专业课:《材料物理》、《材料科学基础》; 本科生公选课:《走进材料世界》、《思维与表达》 ◎指导研究生及博士后 独立指导硕士生10余人,指导的研究生多次获国家奖学金。 ◎承担项目 科研项目 2018.01-2021.12,基于改性的硫化物固态电解质体系的锂硫电池性能研究,合作,已结题。 2、山东省自然科学基金面上项目 2019.12-2022.12,微纳分级复合膜材料-MO/极性聚合物的微颗粒过滤机自清洁特性研究,主持,已结题。 2、国家自然科学基金青年项目 2014.01-2016.12,非晶相包覆铌酸钾钠基无铅陶瓷介电特性的湿度稳定性研究,项目编号(51302319),主持,已结题。 3、教育部博士点基金 2011.01-2013.12,新型湿敏材料-铌酸钾钠薄膜的微观结构与感湿性能研究(项目编号K1110060A),主持,已结题。 4、山东省自然科基金 2011.07-2014.06,宽尺寸范围分布的铌酸盐基无铅压电材料的制备与特性研究(项目编号ZR2011EMQ016),主持,已结题。 5、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 2010.11-2012.10,新型太阳能电池材料--钯掺杂的纳米碳/硅异质结的光伏特性(项目编号10CX05001A),主持,已结题。 教学项目: 1、课程思政视域下有效互动课堂教学育人新模式研究与实践,山东省重点教改项目,负责人,2022.12-2024.12; 2、火狐电竞-烟台卓能电池有限公司研究生专业硕士联合培养基地项目,负责人,2019.01-2020.12; 3.校级重点教改项目:2012-2014,“材料物理”课程体系与教学内容整体优化,完成人,结题优秀; 4.校级研究性教学方法教改项目:2016-2018,基于创新实践能力培养的《材料物理》课程研究性教学方法改革,完成人,结题优秀; 5.校级青年教师教改项目:2013-2015,以教材改革为基础的材料物理教学改革探索,完成人,结题优秀。 ◎获奖情况 1、教学奖励: 首届全国高校教师教学创新大赛三等奖,1/4,2021年8月; 首届山东省高校教师教学创新大赛一等奖,1/4,2021年4月; 第九届山东省教学成果奖一等奖,7/10,2022年; 火狐电竞教学比赛特等奖(唯一),2013年。 2、科研奖励: 北京市科学技术进步奖“高性能铌酸钾钠基无铅压电陶瓷的研发”,2011年。 ◎荣誉称号
◎论文 1、Zhen Y, Qin Z.Li8P2S9 solid electrolyte with high ionic conductivity and air stability by Bi2Se3 co-doping, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 301, March 2024, 117105. 2、Zhen Y, Qie YY.UV-Assisted ppb-Level Ammonia Detection of a WSe2/SnO2 Heterostructure at Room Temperature,Crystal Growth & Design 2024 24 (1), 269-278. 3、Feng Y, Zhen Y.Optimized energy storage performance in NaNbO3-based ceramics via composition modification and micro-structure control, Ceramics International, 2023 49 (9), 14135-14144. 4、Jiang XL, Zhen Y.Synthesis of SnS2/SnO2 nano-heterojunctions with increased reactive sites and charge transfer for ultrasensitive NH3 detection,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 938,168520. 5、Yang ZR, Zhen Y.Polyacrylonitrile@TiO2 nanofibrous membrane decorated by MOF for efficient filtration and green degradation of PM2.5,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 635, 2023, 598-610. 6、ZhangJY, Zhen Y, Wang WX. An urchin-like SnO2/NaNbO3 nanocomposite withstable humidity-sensing properties at room temperature,Sens& Actu B, 283(2019) 643-650. 7、ZhenY,Li L, Lin Y. High Q m values and humidity effect on theelectricalproperties of (K, Na)NbO 3 lead-free piezoceramicsdoped with B 2O3–CuO mixed oxides. J. Ameri Ceram Soc., 2017:100(4)1561-1569. 8、ZhenY,Sun F, Zhang M. Ultrafast breathing humidity sensingproperties oflow-dimensional Fe-doped SnO2flower-like spheres.RSC advances, 2016, 6(32):27008-27015. 9、ZhangM,Sun F, Zhen Y. Hydrothermally synthesized SnO2-graphenecompositesfor H-2 sensing at low operating temperature, Mat Sciand Engi B-2016,209:37-44. 10、LiL,Zhen Y, Lin Y. Structure, dielectric and piezoelectricbehaviors of(K,Na)NbO3 ceramics with high Q (m) in low-humidityby introducingSiO2 and CuO mixed oxides, J Mater Sci—Mater inElectro, 2016,27(10) 10888-10893. 11、SunF,Zhen Y, Zhang M. Al-Doped SnO2 Flower-Like Microspheres withHierarchicalNanorodsSynthesized by Hydrothermal Method and H2 SensingProperty.Scienceof Advanced Materials, 2015,7(3 ) 414–422 12、ZhenY,Wang M M, Wang S, et al. Humidity Sensitive Properties ofAmorphous(K,Na)NbO3 Lead Free Thin Films, Ceram Inter,2014,40:10263-10267. 13、ZhenY,Wei D S. Enhanced Humidity Stability of (Li,K,Na)NbO3-basedLead-FreePiezoelectric Ceramics by Adding B2O3, Mater Sci Forum,2013,745-746:626-631 14、ZhenY,Li J F, Wang K. Spark plasma sintering of Li/Ta-modified(K,Na)NbO3lead-free piezoelectric ceramics: Post-annealingtemperature effecton phase structure, electrical properties andgrain growthbehavior. Mater Sci &Eng B, 176 (2011)1110-1114. 15、ZhenY,T. Ohsawa, Y. Adachi, et al.. Investigations of growthkinetics ofpulsed laser deposition of tin oxide films by isotopetracertechnique. J Appl Phys. 2010(108)104901. 16、ZhenY,Li J F. Preparation and Electrical Properties of Fine-Scale1-3PZT/Epoxy Composite Thick Films for High-FrequencyUltrasonicTransducers. J Appl Phys. 2008, 103 : 084119. 17、ZhenY,Li J F. Normal sintering of (K,Na)NbO3-based ceramics:influence ofsintering temperature on densification,microstructure, andelectrical properties. J Am Ceram Soc, 2006,89: 3669-3675. 18、ZhenY,Li J F. Abnormal grain growth and new core-shell structurein(K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. J AmCeramSoc, 2007, 90: 3496-3502. 19、ZhenY,Li J F, Zhang H. Electrical and elastic properties of 1-3PZT/epoxypiezoelectric composites, J Electroceram, 21: 410-413(2008). 20、ZhenY,Li J F. Fabrication and electrical properties of fine-scale1-3Piezoceramic/epoxy composites using (K,Na)NbO3-basedlead-freeceramics. Ferroelectrics, 2007, 358: 161-168. 21、ZhenY,Li J F. Dynamic properties of fine-scale 1-3PZT/epoxypiezoelectric composites. Key Eng Mater, 2007, 336-338:348-350. 22、ZhenY,Li AJ, Yin YS, Shi RX, Liu YC. Reactive and dense sinteringofreinforced-toughened B4C matrix composites. Mater Res Bull,2004,39: 1615-1625. 23、ShenZ.Y, Zhen Y, Wang K and Li J F, Influence of SinteringTemperature onGrain Growth and Phase Structure ofCompositionally Optimized HighPerformance Li/Ta-Modified(Na,K)NbO3 Ceramics. Journal of theAmerican Ceramic Society,92(8)1748-1752(2009). 24、LiJF, Zhen Y, Zhang B P. Normal sintering of (K,Na)NbO3-basedlead-free piezoelectric ceramics. CeramInternational, 34,783-786, (2008). ◎专利 授权国家发明专利1项: (1)甄玉花,王萌萌,王盛等.一种具有湿度敏感特性的无铅压电材料,2013.5,中国,CN201110163323.9 | ||
»Name:Zhen Yuhua | »Unit:School of materials science and engineering | |
»Degree:Doctor | »Title:Associate professor | |
»Profession:Material science and engineering | »Tutor Category:Master's supervisor | |
»Email Address:zhenyh@upc.edu.cn | ||
»Contact Number:18763005459 | ||
»Mailing Address:66 Changjiang West Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province | ||
»General situation | ||
◎Research direction 1、Research on semiconductor based gas sensors 2、Research on the dielectric energy storage performance of perovskite materials 3、Research on Inorganic Solid Electrolytes in All Solid State Batteries ◎Educational experience 2004.09-2008.01, Tsinghua University, Materials Science and Engineering, Doctor 2001.09-2004.07, Shandong University, Materials Science and Engineering, Master 1997.09-2001.07, Shandong University, Materials Science and Engineering,bachelor ◎Work experience 2011.12-present,Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum (East China) 2008.11-2010.04,Postdoctoral Fellow, NIMS Research Institute, Japan 2008.04-2011.11,lecturer, China University of Petroleum (East China) ◎Academic part-time job Served as a reviewer for high-level journals such as "Sensors and Actuators: B", "J Am Ceram Soc", "J Eu Ceram Soc" ◎Lecture course Undergraduate courses: "Materials Physics", "Fundamentals of Materials Science"; Undergraduate public elective Courses: "Into the World of Materials", "Thinking and Expression" ◎Supervising graduate students and postdocs Independently supervised more than 10 master students, and the graduate students under my guidance have won national scholarships for many times. ◎Undertake project Scientific research project 1、National Natural Science Foundation project 2018.01-2021.12,Research on performance of lithium sulfur battery based on modified sulfide solid electrolyte system, cooperation, has been concluded. 2、National Natural Science Foundation youth project 2019.12-2022.12,Study on the self-cleaning characteristics of micro particle filters using micro nano graded composite membrane materials - MO/polar polymers,Host, completed. 2、National Natural Science Foundation youth project 2014.01-2016.12,Study on the humidity stability of the dielectric properties of lead-free potassium sodium niobate based lead-free ceramics coated with amorphous phase, Project No. 51302319, Host, completed. 3、Doctoral foundation of the Ministry of Education 2011.01-2013.12,Study on microstructure and moisture sensing properties of a new type of humidity-sensitive material - Potassium sodium niobate thin film (Project No. K1110060A), hosted, completed. 4、Shandong Provincial natural Science Foundation 2011.07-2014.06,Preparation and characterization of lead-free niobate based piezoelectric materials with wide size range distribution (Project No. ZR2011EMQ016), hosted, completed. 5、Special funds for basic scientific research operations of central universities 2010.11-2012.10,Photovoltaic properties of new solar cell materials - Palladium-doped nano-carbon/silicon heterojunctions (Project No. 10CX05001A), hosted, concluded. Teaching Project: 1、Research and Practice on the New Model of Effective Interactive Classroom Teaching Education from the Perspective of Curriculum Ideology and Politics, Key Education Reform Project of Shandong Province, 2022.12-2024.12, in charge. 2、China University of Petroleum (East China) -Yantai Zhuoneng Battery Co., LTD. Graduate Professional Master joint training base project, head, 2019.01-2020.12. 3、School-level key teaching reform project: 2012-2014, the overall optimization of the curriculum system and teaching content of "Material Physics", with excellent conclusion. 4、University-level research teaching Method Reform project: 2016-2018, based on innovative practical ability cultivation of Materials Physics course research teaching method reform, completed with excellent conclusion. 5、School-level young teachers' Teaching reform project: 2013-2015, exploration of material physics teaching reform based on textbook reform, completed with excellent conclusion. ◎Awards 1、Teaching reward: The third prize of the first National College Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition, 1/4, August 2021; First prize of the first Shandong Provincial University Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition, 1/4, April 2021; The first prize of the 9th Shandong Teaching Achievement Award, 7/10, 2022; China University of Petroleum (East China) Teaching Competition Special prize (only), 2013. 2、Research Awards: Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award "Research and Development of high-performance lead-free piezoelectric ceramics based on potassium and sodium niobate", 2011. ◎Honorary title 1. Excellent Member of Zhigong Party Qingdao, 2023; 2. "Top Ten" Class Teacher, China University of Petroleum, 2021; 3. "A Good Teacher in My Heart", China University of Petroleum, 2020. ◎Work 1、Zhen Yuhua et al., Introduction to Materials (Popular Edition), Beijing, Chemical Industry Press, 2016.10 2、Zhen Yuhua et al., Materials Physics, Qingdao, China University of Petroleum Press, 2023.04 ◎Thesis 1、Zhen Y, Qin Z.Li8P2S9 solid electrolyte with high ionic conductivity and air stability by Bi2Se3 co-doping, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 301, March 2024, 117105. 2、Zhen Y, Qie YY.UV-Assisted ppb-Level Ammonia Detection of a WSe2/SnO2 Heterostructure at Room Temperature,Crystal Growth & Design 2024 24 (1), 269-278. 3、Feng Y, Zhen Y.Optimized energy storage performance in NaNbO3-based ceramics via composition modification and micro-structure control, Ceramics International, 2023 49 (9), 14135-14144. 4、Jiang XL, Zhen Y.Synthesis of SnS2/SnO2 nano-heterojunctions with increased reactive sites and charge transfer for ultrasensitive NH3 detection,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 938,168520. 5、Yang ZR, Zhen Y.Polyacrylonitrile@TiO2 nanofibrous membrane decorated by MOF for efficient filtration and green degradation of PM2.5,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 635, 2023, 598-610. 6、ZhangJY, Zhen Y, Wang WX. An urchin-like SnO2/NaNbO3 nanocomposite withstable humidity-sensing properties at room temperature,Sens& Actu B, 283(2019) 643-650. 7、ZhenY,Li L, Lin Y. High Q m values and humidity effect on theelectricalproperties of (K, Na)NbO 3 lead-free piezoceramicsdoped with B 2O3–CuO mixed oxides. J. Ameri Ceram Soc., 2017:100(4)1561-1569. 8、ZhenY,Sun F, Zhang M. Ultrafast breathing humidity sensingproperties oflow-dimensional Fe-doped SnO2flower-like spheres.RSC advances, 2016, 6(32):27008-27015. 9、ZhangM,Sun F, Zhen Y. Hydrothermally synthesized SnO2-graphenecompositesfor H-2 sensing at low operating temperature, Mat Sciand Engi B-2016,209:37-44. 10、LiL,Zhen Y, Lin Y. Structure, dielectric and piezoelectricbehaviors of(K,Na)NbO3 ceramics with high Q (m) in low-humidityby introducingSiO2 and CuO mixed oxides, J Mater Sci—Mater inElectro, 2016,27(10) 10888-10893. 11、SunF,Zhen Y, Zhang M. Al-Doped SnO2 Flower-Like Microspheres withHierarchicalNanorodsSynthesized by Hydrothermal Method and H2 SensingProperty.Scienceof Advanced Materials, 2015,7(3 ) 414–422 12、ZhenY,Wang M M, Wang S, et al. Humidity Sensitive Properties ofAmorphous(K,Na)NbO3 Lead Free Thin Films, Ceram Inter,2014,40:10263-10267. 13、ZhenY,Wei D S. Enhanced Humidity Stability of (Li,K,Na)NbO3-basedLead-FreePiezoelectric Ceramics by Adding B2O3, Mater Sci Forum,2013,745-746:626-631 14、ZhenY,Li J F, Wang K. Spark plasma sintering of Li/Ta-modified(K,Na)NbO3lead-free piezoelectric ceramics: Post-annealingtemperature effecton phase structure, electrical properties andgrain growthbehavior. Mater Sci &Eng B, 176 (2011)1110-1114. 15、ZhenY,T. Ohsawa, Y. Adachi, et al.. Investigations of growthkinetics ofpulsed laser deposition of tin oxide films by isotopetracertechnique. J Appl Phys. 2010(108)104901. 16、ZhenY,Li J F. Preparation and Electrical Properties of Fine-Scale1-3PZT/Epoxy Composite Thick Films for High-FrequencyUltrasonicTransducers. J Appl Phys. 2008, 103 : 084119. 17、ZhenY,Li J F. Normal sintering of (K,Na)NbO3-based ceramics:influence ofsintering temperature on densification,microstructure, andelectrical properties. J Am Ceram Soc, 2006,89: 3669-3675. 18、ZhenY,Li J F. Abnormal grain growth and new core-shell structurein(K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. J AmCeramSoc, 2007, 90: 3496-3502. 19、ZhenY,Li J F, Zhang H. Electrical and elastic properties of 1-3PZT/epoxypiezoelectric composites, J Electroceram, 21: 410-413(2008). 20、ZhenY,Li J F. Fabrication and electrical properties of fine-scale1-3Piezoceramic/epoxy composites using (K,Na)NbO3-basedlead-freeceramics. Ferroelectrics, 2007, 358: 161-168. 21、ZhenY,Li J F. Dynamic properties of fine-scale 1-3PZT/epoxypiezoelectric composites. Key Eng Mater, 2007, 336-338:348-350. 22、ZhenY,Li AJ, Yin YS, Shi RX, Liu YC. Reactive and dense sinteringofreinforced-toughened B4C matrix composites. Mater Res Bull,2004,39: 1615-1625. 23、ShenZ.Y, Zhen Y, Wang K and Li J F, Influence of SinteringTemperature onGrain Growth and Phase Structure ofCompositionally Optimized HighPerformance Li/Ta-Modified(Na,K)NbO3 Ceramics. Journal of theAmerican Ceramic Society,92(8)1748-1752(2009). 24、LiJF, Zhen Y, Zhang B P. Normal sintering of (K,Na)NbO3-basedlead-free piezoelectric ceramics. CeramInternational, 34,783-786, (2008). ◎Patent 1 national invention patent authorized: (1)Zhen Yuhua, WANG Mengmeng, Wang Sheng et al. Lead-free piezoelectric material with humidity sensitivity, 2013.5, China, CN201110163323.9. |